At Cyberclick we have taken another look into our crystal ball, and we have detected a very interesting format for the future of online advertising: podcasts . If you want to know why, keep reading!
The era of online advertising in podcasts begins
This is an important distinction, as streaming consumption usually has the same programming as regular radio stations, while podcasts are programs not synchroniz with regular broadcasting. In short, it is a new format and a new way of consuming content : users download podcasts to their mobile phones or play them online at the time that is most convenient for them.
The importance of podcasts and online radio
Data from the latest General Media Study (EGM) has broken down for the first time Venezuela Mobile Phone Numbers Database radio audiences into streaming (live) and podcast (delayed). The result is that podcast audiences now account for around a fifth of online radio consumption in Spain .
The popularity of online radio has been growing
Steadily in recent years, from 0.5% in 2004 to 6.5% in 2016. The Internet is the second most popular source of radio signal mentioned by respondents in the EG, behind only FM. This is followed by medium wave (MW) and, lastly, digital platforms, i.e. listening via DTT television or pay-TV platforms.
In 2016, Cyberclick launched
A podcast related to business culture, personal and professional growth, and entrepreneurship . It’s called Inspiring Mondays and is hosted by radio professional Edu Pascual and Cyberclick CEO David Tomás . We invite you to listen to it for free ! Every Monday there’s a new inspiring interview.
Inspiring Mondays podcast
Podcasts in online advertising
For marketers, the rise of podcasts offers a new way to connect with users through content that they choose to Asia Mobile Number Example at their preferred times. It’s a way to sneak into users’ daily lives, for example, while they’re driving, walking or doing housework. One of the great advantages of this format is that it can be done simultaneously with other activities. In this way, the user doesn’t feel like they’re investing time, as can happen with “traditional” content such as articles or videos.
Podcasts are a great ingredient
To incorporate into your content strategy , creating B TO C Database own programs and publishing them regularly. You can use them to offer your users valuable content, such as interviews with experts on the topics that interest them most, giveaways and contests, or even accepting audience collaborations.
Another interesting option for online
Podcast advertising is to seek collaborations with independent programs that interest your audience, for example, through sponsorships or collaboration in a specific section of the program.