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In the world of digital marketing , the future is always just around the corner. We work in an exciting environment that never stops advancing, so it is essential that we stay up to date with the latest technologies. To ensure you don’t get caught out, today I want to tell you 5 key points about the future of email marketing.

The future of email marketing in 5 years

Chatbots are here to stay. These artificial intelligence programs are Paraguay Mobile Phone Numbers Database to optimize complex tasks without the need for human intervention. Facebook already uses them to improve communication between brands and customers , and email marketing is undoubtedly the next step.

1) The artificial intelligence revolution

Chatbots can track individual user behavior, send personalized and contextually appropriate messages, and help brands connect with their users on a much more personal level. In short, they are golden allies if you want to improve the

ROI of your email marketing

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2) Good things, if short, are twice as good

The future of email marketing is all about brevity . Smartphones are becoming the Middle East Mobile Number Example popular device for reading emails. Their small screen, combined with the constant bombardment of promotional messages that users receive, make it essential to be concise.

What’s more, thanks to a 2016 study by Email Monday, we even know the ideal length for successful emails: between 50 and 125 words.


3) The future of email marketing is hyperpersonalization

Yes, you read that right: it is no longer enough to simply personalize, you have to go one step further. The email marketing of the future is the one that manages to meet the needs of each individual to achieve maximum impact. Among the hyper-personalized features that we will see in the coming years, we can highlight emails that change content depending on the opening time.


4) The rise of machine-to-machine communication

Thanks to artificial intelligence, processes are becoming increasingly automated… so much so BT Lists the future of email marketing may involve stopping opening and reading emails.

Machine-to-machine communication

Makes it possible for notifications to be sent directly to the affected device, without disturbing the user. For example, if you are running out of milk, your refrigerator will notify your smartphone to update the shopping list in the corresponding app.


5) Email marketing designs of the future: animation and GIF

Emails of the future no longer have to be static and boring. Animations and GIFs will help brands bring their emails to life and engage users.


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