Costa-Rica Mobile Phone Numbers Example

At Cyberclick we are committed to the cause of being a happy company. We believe that we can do our part to be happier in everything we do and we like to know that science agrees with us. According to the latest studies, there are very simple actions that can contribute to designing happiness and increasing well-being. Today I want to share with you these 5 tricks to increase happiness according to science.

How to design happiness according

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology conducted a Costa-Rica Mobile Phone Numbers Database in which they asked more than 50,000 people about different aspects of their lifestyle. The conclusion? People who participate in cultural activities have higher levels of happiness and less anxiety and depression, as well as being in good health and satisfied with life.

1) Put activities in your life


According to this study, it is more beneficial for men to participate in cultural activities, such as visiting museums or going to the theatre, while for women, more active activities such as singing, dancing or doing outdoor activities are preferable.

America Cell Phone Number List

2) Talk to strangers

Something as simple as exchanging a few words with a passerby can brighten your day. Or so Asia Mobile Number Example an experiment in which scientists Nicholas Epley and Juliana Schroeder encouraged train passengers to strike up a conversation with a stranger during the journey. Those who did so reported a more positive experience.

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3) Write a diary

Even if our daily life seems unremarkable, recording our activities and reviewing our BT Lists after a while can help make us happy .

In a study published in the journal Psychological Science, experts asked participants to write about a conversation they had had and rate how ordinary or extraordinary it was. Seven months later, when they reread the conversations, it turned out that ordinary conversations had a greater positive effect than extraordinary ones.

“Having deep conversations increases happiness”

4) Look at pretty things… but better if they are useful


Objects that were simply beautiful but not functional also had a positive impact, albeit to a lesser extent. Looking at them reduced negative emotions by 29% and increased feelings of calm and happiness.


5) Have deep conversations

After analyzing the conversations of 80 people over 4 days, scientists at the University of Arizona concluded that well-being increases if we spend less time alone and more time talking to others .

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