The rise of live streaming , chatbots on Facebook , the popularization of the Stories format … The last year has been full of new developments in the world of social media. For digital marketers, staying up to date with the latest trends is essential. That’s why today I want to share with you four major trends of what’s to come in social media according to Net Imperative.
What’s next in the world of social media
In the world of social media, influencers are not exactly a new phenomenon. Brands Canada Mobile Phone Numbers Database been using these opinion leaders for years to connect with their audiences in a more personal way.
What will we see in the near future on social networks?
But over time, what started as a hobby for many is becoming a recognized occupation.
1# The professionalization of influencers
Today, “influencer schools” offer courses all over the world to help professionalize this occupation. And in an environment where user trust is increasingly less, the opinion of their peers is more important than ever.
The next step for brands will be to introduce systematic ways to measure influencer ROI, based on metrics such as audience engagement and credibility. This will allow companies to continue refining their strategy and choosing the best online ambassadors for their products and services.
2# The extension of social commerce
The integration of social media into brands’ advertising strategies is nothing new, but we are Special List more and more uses of social media for brands.
One of the most talked
About trends in social media is (finally!) integration with e-commerce strategies . Many brands have dared to experiment with this topic in recent years, and the foreseeable trend is that more and more of them will take the plunge.
In this respect
Pinterest is one of the networks with the most to say. Social commerce could B TO C Database the definitive factor that makes it stand out from more mainstream platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Pinterest is a social network with a predominantly female audience and high purchasing power, which has made many efforts to integrate shopping into the user experience. Its users find it very easy to convert their discoveries into real purchases.
3# Facebook launches into the professional world
Thanks to tools like Slack, Yammer and HipChat, the world of social media for work is a highly competitive environment. As we integrate it more and more into our personal lives, it makes perfect sense to take advantage of its potential to communicate with our coworkers as well.
Amidst all this competition
Facebook has detected a gap in the market: the lack of compatibility between different tools. And of course, it has taken the opportunity to launch a new solution, Workplace .